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James Surman
In 10 months James was able to recover from a MCL, ACL and PCL surgery while dropping 70 lbs of fat and just wouldn't stop. He took his physique to the next level competing in his first muscle contest where he received a medal for "first call outs" top 5!

Coach Jamie/ Team Enrich Fit Athlete
So proud of our bikini athlete Jamie, she came to me for her first competition. She lost 20lbs. of fat and dropped below 15% body fat.

Ramon Becerra
Ramon followed the program to the T. Amazing work for this 1-year transformation.

Anoush Mazloumian
Amazing Member, Amazing Transformation!

Linc Hand
Linc wanted to gain muscle and stay lean for acting. Think we accomplished that!

Armine Movsesyan
Following our Nutrition Plan and staying consistent in our classes Armine has reached her initial goals. Looking forward to the next chapter!

Arbi Torossian
This gym and bodybuilding literally saved Arbi's life. God bless.

Bryan McCoy
As you can see Bryan was a classic example of an ectomorph or a "hard gainer". But proper education on diet and training mixed with A LOT of hard work, dedication and consistency Bryan completely transformed his physique and his life. He is now a stuntman in Hollywood, Ca.

Karn Duggal
1st Show. Amazing transformation in a short time.

Adrian Divecha
Not bad starting out as an obese kid at 260 lbs. Now 170 lbs!!!

Sam Page
In a 3 month span Sam completely changed his physique by sticking to Coach Spence's carb cycling meal plan and good old fashioned hard work in the weight room. He ended up shedding an astounding 32lbs. of fat. In total Sam dropped 11% body fat while simultaneously putting on 10lbs. of lean muscle !

He wanted a change and got one ! He lost 25lbs. of fat with a gain of 5lbs. of lean muscle in only 29 days. Got him on a great carb cycling diet, he stayed consistent and worked his ass off. The results show.
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